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 Frank Delozier [Finished]

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Posts : 10
Location : Wallingford, CT

Frank Delozier [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Frank Delozier [Finished]   Frank Delozier [Finished] H6Q0F8zMon Apr 28, 2014 11:38 am

Name: Frank Delozier
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Trainer (Bird Keeper)
Birthplace: Johto, New Bark Town
Battle Style: Hit the opponent hard and fast; try to boost Speed in every turn.


He is an introvert; being alone or surrounded by his Pokemon energizes Frank and being around other people drains Frank's energy. He avoids social situations so whenever he engages in a battle against another Trainer, Frank will just focus on the battle itself and immediately bid his farewell after the battle is over. There are some exceptions however; Frank will always socialize with Pokemon, a love interest or a person who also loves Flying-types, without feeling drained or uncomfortable.

Frank has habits or practices that are just weird like arranging things alphabetically and preferring to sleep without any pillow. He has a DVD collection of documentaries on Flying-types and Frank keeps them inside a cabinet where he arranged the DVDs alphabetically based on their titles. The way Frank eat foods is also weird. While most people mix mashed potato with hot curry, Frank would instead use ketchup or hot sauce or pair a roasted banana with brown rice. These instances made his parents bring Frank to a hospital to see if he has any autism issues but the doctors found nothing wrong and Frank privately told his parents that it is his way of being himself and having his own brand of different.

For some odd, unexplainable reason, Frank has a devotion to Flying-type and sticks with it even if it makes him an easy opponent to Trainers who have a Pokemon capable of dealing super effective hits to Flying-types. He also has this attitude toward most other things in life. For example, a Flying-type Pokemon prefers to live atop tree branches and Frank prefers to live in a room located in the highest floor of a building.

One starry night at Route 29, the young Frank has his back against the grass while admiring the beautiful night sky. Frank was alone, or so he thought. He heard a hoot pierce the silence of the night for a second and the sound came from above the tree branch beside Frank.

The boy saw a round, owl-like bird with two stubby wings and a short, fan-shaped tail. Its large red eyes with beady pupils stare onto Frank's eyes. Its feathers are mostly brown with a beige underbelly. The creature has a large black, mask-like crest, which encircles both eyes and covers the face. The crest has two protrusions at the top resembling the hands of a clock. The parts of the crest below each eye have notches resembling the teeth of a clockwork gear. The source of the sound has a small, hooked beak and two feet with five digits.

The sight of a Hoothoot shattered Frank's calmness and the boy quickly rose up and befriended the Hoothoot. Frank could not remember much about the day he met the Hoothoot, he just knew that there came a day where fate had the two of them meet for a glorious purpose.

Frank earned the friendship of the wild Hoothoot and the Pokemon felt happy and comfortable around Frank as if they were really destined to be friends. Frank brought the Pokemon home with him and knowing how their only son loves Flying-types so much, Frank's parents let the boy keep the Pokemon so long as he can show love and respect to it.

Since then, Hoothoot and Frank were never seen separated away from each other. They shower, play, adventure, and do everything together. Hoothoot was such a huge part of Frank's childhood and not only did the Pokemon serve as a best friend, Hoothoot also shared his opinions and principles on life with the kid. While Frank could not really understand Pokemon speech, it is the magical bond of friendship and their hearts, which allowed the boy to feel and understand what the Hoothoot says. Frank just loved Hoothoot so much that he gave the Pokemon a name to show how much he truly loves the bird.

Items: 5 Poke Balls
Money: $6,200

Pokémon: Hoothoot
Nickname: Tao
Gender: Male
Level: 12
Moves: Agility (Egg Move), Tackle, Growl, Foresight, Hypnosis, Peck, Double Team (TM 32)
Ability: Tinted Lens
Personality: Tao believes in Yin and Yang and serves neither but only a balance between them. If only he could speak human, it would be astonishing to know his view on things and principles in life.
Exp: 0

Last edited by Beirsinglat on Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:28 am; edited 1 time in total
Posts : 10
Location : Wallingford, CT

Frank Delozier [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frank Delozier [Finished]   Frank Delozier [Finished] H6Q0F8zTue Apr 29, 2014 7:22 am

There, finished.
Posts : 1696
Location : England

Frank Delozier [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frank Delozier [Finished]   Frank Delozier [Finished] H6Q0F8zTue Apr 29, 2014 7:51 am

I'd like more on his personality please, since you only really cover a few things. Same with history. The discovery of the meeting of Hoothoot is lovely, but that's not the only thing that happened to him. How was it growing up? What about after meeting Hoothoot? Anything else significant happen? I do like your character already, but I want to know more before I approve.
Posts : 10
Location : Wallingford, CT

Frank Delozier [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frank Delozier [Finished]   Frank Delozier [Finished] H6Q0F8zTue Apr 29, 2014 8:29 am

I've broadened the personality, see the second paragraph? I've also edited the history and added two more paragraphs showing what happened after they met and Hoothoot's influence on Frank's childhood. Anything else I should do? Thank you.
Posts : 1696
Location : England

Frank Delozier [Finished] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Frank Delozier [Finished]   Frank Delozier [Finished] H6Q0F8zTue Apr 29, 2014 8:37 am

Eh, it'll do. Approved.
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PostSubject: Re: Frank Delozier [Finished]   Frank Delozier [Finished] H6Q0F8z

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