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 After the End [Actual]

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After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 5:50 am

Mirage growled, actually growled audibly, in frustration. Now some more people lacking in the brain department had joined in and were making a racket that could probably be heard halfway across the earth. But there was surprise in all this resentment. She hadn't expected so many survivors in one area. Her claws slid out and dug into the branch, just wondering whether to stay put or go see what is going on. It had started out to be just a simple squabble over food. What had fueled it?

She let out an exasperated sigh. Curiosity was one of her weaker points. Weaker because she felt like finding more or less everything out. Curiosity killed the Persian. She had to stay alert and cautious. And yet she found her paws leading her that way. Stopping about 5 meters off the actual scene, she watched a couple of hybrids fight and screech, and a human suddenly ran out towards them, yelling and flailing her arms. Mirage bared her fangs in a hideous cross between a snarl and a grin.

She was amused at the stupidity of the pokemon and human, and alarmed at the sight of the latter. But that was just her personality, changed after the fusion. Had it been her original one, she would have probably tried to do what the human was doing. Blunder in and try to pacify them. Her tails flicked and accidentally rustled a bush. She froze.
Posts : 213

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 6:10 am

Bolt snapped his head up and looked towards the bush that had made the rustling sound. The Pikachu blinked and slowly and carefully, made his way over to it, pink-tipped ear twitching in wonder at what was in there could be. The mouse-like Pokémon took a deep breath before he poked his head inside it from the side, and his eyes widened at what he saw was in there.

After a moment of being in shock, surprise, and fear, the little yellow-and-pink creature finally spoke.

"H-hello," he greeted in a small and timid voice.
Fox Demon Avaritia
Fox Demon Avaritia
Posts : 3342
Location : On her train, her hype train o3o

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 6:33 am

It was at that moment that Tantum, too, arrived. She appeared through foliage that was quite close to where Bolt and Mirage now resided, and her eyes grew wide as she took in the sight of them. She was just in time to hear the Pikachu's question, but the hybrid knew it wasn't directed toward her, but rather the enigmatic creature. Yes, she'd been around hybrids before, and recognized both as them, but never one that looked quite like... that. She tightened her wings to fold as far as they could against her side, and her red eyes sized up the two. Definitely not the source of the fighting sounds I heard before... they seem halted, at least for now. Her gaze wandered to the rest of the gathered figures, and a slight, shocked gasp of awe was drawn in. How many survivors are out here?!

That is when paranoia began to set in. Usually large gatherings weren't signs of good fortune, and Tantum had no time to believe in coincidence. Such a belief along with hope is what got good friends killed long before. She remained silent, creating somewhat of an awkward tension. Then again, she embraced such a thing.
"You're right," Avaritia began, slightly taken aback by the strange Pokemon's use of human speech, "I don't like fighting. There are better ways of obtaining food than making others starve for it," she cast a sideways glance toward Cladis, the two had sacrificed many meals for the well-being of the other. "And it does concern me when life is at stake! You just find another living being in this empty world and the first thing you do is attack them? Maybe you do deserve a fight, because that's the last thing you should have done. Think of the long road, not the short one!" As Avaritia began her speech, her Absol glanced at Shade and the others around him wearily, growling slightly. His claws dug into the softened dirt, and his eyes shifted every second or two, ready to defend his foolish trainer if it came down to her being attacked.

"Short term, you get a meal and possible injury, but at least you eat, right?" She didn't allow Shade to answer before continuing, "long term: you make a friend, an ally of survival. Maybe you two share a meal, learn to hunt together. The more people and Pokemon, the better chances of survival," she nodded toward Cladis, the defending Pokemon proving her point, "even as I sit here and talk, vulnerable, I have another on guard. Ready to defend me. And we are twice as productive at scavenging, building camp twice as fast, the list goes on..." she trailed off, pausing for breath. "Long rant short, fighting isn't the answer, especially now. You're an idiot if you think otherwise." The last sentence made Cladis sigh. His trainer was definitely getting killed. And yet, the two were still unaware of the curious eyes of Alison, who seemed to be watching them closely.
Posts : 2099
Location : In the desert looking for a pony *a zebra*

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 6:47 am

"Your right I am an idiot, but if i want to make my own rules, I shall make my own rules, its been like that since birth, not an ally then, I don't need an ally now, and plus, I didn't fight the guy anyways, I was using scare tactics, wouldve never hurt the guy, if it lasted long enough, I probably eventually leave, now, learn what the people are doing before yelling at them." He said in a firm voice "now can I leave, to many living, I prefer being alone, that's how it been, that's how its suppose to be, that's how its going to be, that's how they wanted it" he said, still firm, almost sounding bored
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After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 9:24 am

Mirage snapped her head towards the curious hybrid approaching her and just asked what her name was. She opened her jaws to reluctantly answer, aware of the creatures surprise at her appearance, when she sensed another being regarding her. Eyes blazing in defiance, she whirled around, only to see another hybrid, not unlike herself. Wings, lithe body, horn on head. And a little scarf wound around her neck. Mirage inwardly sneered at the little black accessory, but it could be dear to her. Something she herself did not possess, she realized bitterly.

"I am Mirage." She stated to the pink-yellow thing who had asked her the question. That was it. She certainly didn't waste words. She looked closer at the interrogator. Pikachu and...something. She looked back at the quadruped, standing there silently. She hadn't spoken a word so far, and found her personality similar to hers. Could be because of the Absol side, apparent from the horn adorning the side of her head. Mirage involuntarily brought her wings closer to her body, almost protectively.

As she stood there, the queer tribal-like markings on her body seemed to break up her outline. Advantageous trait. Absol, Umbreon and something with wings. Anything which could be having wings. Her wings weren't really distinguishable either. Her tails curled at the end. Already she was surrounded by two people too many. The Pikachu hybrid and the Umbreon-Absol hybrid. She turned to leave. She had no curiosity or compelling desire to ask anything to either of them. And she naturally shied away from people, single or in a large group. She sensed no malice from either of them, and was in no danger, but she felt the tugging need to get away. She did not know any of them.
Posts : 213

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 9:35 am

"It's nice to meet you!" the Pikachu/Mew said, happily.

Bolt was just glad that this other wasn't going to do any harm, and that made the little Pokémon quite happy.

"My name's Bolt by the way!" he added.
Posts : 4011
Location : In paradise

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 5:37 pm

"Mm." Mirage registered that pretty much silently. Clearly not a conversationalist, she looked around blankly, unsure of her next action. The Absol-Umbreon hybrid continued to attract her attention, though she hadn't done anything yet. And something about the small pink-yellow creature, Bolt was...infuriating in a dangerous way. How could he afford to be so...happy in these post apocalyptic conditions? Her ears twitched in a cross of emotions which frightened her. Disgust and admiration, with a hint of something she did not recognize. Her eyes closed in the realization, as she basked in the warm light of the emotion she hadn't felt for so long. Happiness.

While something as frivolous as a meal could often make her happy, this was happiness blooming from interest. The more she hung around, the more interested she got in this cheerful little hybrid. But, she realized, the sadness tiding over the small flower of happiness, she could hardly afford it. To be happy. Cheer. She couldn't afford it. She couldn't. It wasn't worth it.
Posts : 2152
Location : Ponyville

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 7:31 pm

Alison kept her now watch on the two. 'A human...How interesting...What I don't know is if she knows of the remains of Project Star...Perhaps waiting could be the best option for a strategic approach to...Them. Whoever they are down there.'

X continued keeping his eye on the group below him. 'If only I could get down there...Well at least food isn't a worry. Still...I suppose to wait will be my tactic for this moment...'
Posts : 621

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Jul 20, 2014 7:53 pm

The Prophet noted how the group had grown. There was still a sense of tension, though it had not manifested into an all out brawl yet. He chose it'd be best to make himself known before that happened. As he began his descent his two nodes shot out from the trees and began to float near each other. They then pointed at the ground and began to burn a small circle for the Prophet to land in. As his feet hit the ground the nodes began to slowly circle around him, pointing at all of the others. "Greetings children. Cease this violence and squabbling, for it will get you no where. Tell me, what is the reason for this conflict."
Posts : 213

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 3:06 am

Bolt tilted his head to one side, watching Mirage act like that. What was up with her? Had he done something wrong that upset her in some way or another? He was just trying to be friendly, to make some friends.. Family even, that could stick together and help one another out like they really were a family. In times like this, you needed friends and others to help out at times, or else you weren't going to last long in the world.

The small Pikachu/Mew turned towards the voice that had spoken, his right ear twitching slightly as he wanted what was going on, and what he had missed while he was talking with the other.
Fox Demon Avaritia
Fox Demon Avaritia
Posts : 3342
Location : On her train, her hype train o3o

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 4:15 am

Even though the two in front of her had not yet addressed her, the hybrid turned toward Bolt. "Tantum," she said softly with a curt nod and a flick of her tail before The Prophet began to speak. Her eyes peered cautiously toward Mirage, noting the flicker of crossing emotions seem to play across the strange Pokemon's face. She reminds me of myself... but now's not the time for silly sentiment, even with that thought though, her mind turned toward the acorn still tucked safely within the folds of her scarf, I was always a sucker for sentiment, long ago in a different life.
"I guess we all have our methods," Avaritia replied to Shade with a sigh, she then nearly jumped when the Prophet's nodes burned a circle into the ground quite near her. This also caused Cladis to openly snarl as the human-like creature made his descent. The Absol bared his teeth and lowered his head with glaring eyes, deeming the Prophet as more threat than ally, especially with the grand entrance. After he spoke, Avaritia knelt down toward Cladis and ran her hand down his bristling back, trying to sooth him after sensing a dangerous pike in his anger. "Be on guard, but don't be hostile. I don't think he's a danger right now." The question he had asked wasn't one she could answer, so she looked toward Shade.
Posts : 213

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 4:22 am

The Pikachu/Mew looked up at her and nodded slightly, a small smile on his furry face. He dropped his head to the other Pokémon.

"It's nice to meet you," Bolt said. "My name's Bolt!"
Posts : 2099
Location : In the desert looking for a pony *a zebra*

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 4:48 am

"Well, if you must know, I tried scaring someone into dropping food better then sticks, failed, and then people start coming out to attack me" Shade says to the new guy, then nods to Rune and Avaritia, "mostly those two, and I'm getting fairly annoyed that people won't stop arriving" he said, then he noticed the girl was staring at him "that doesn't help my situation..." he said
Posts : 2152
Location : Ponyville

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 5:03 am

Alison had trailed Avaritia, as she saw a potential ally in her. So long as they didn't know of her ultimate goals, she could make all the 'friends' she wanted. She jumped down and landed in a bush behind the two, and the rustling of the bush didn't matter to her.

X scanned the group, not seeing anything strange. 'Hm...This is odd...Mixes but no disguises...Was I truly offline that long?...Hm...'
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Posts : 686
Location : between no and where

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 3:41 pm

Rune Smiled. "next time don't try to steal from a ghost type then besides it wasn't me that was my brother in some way. " He said smiling.

Fanatsiam started to choke on the stale air he decided it was safe and opened the hatch. he went deeper into the lab to the generator room and turned the generator on. the generator ran on solar wind and water electricity with a 42 hour battery that recharges every time the generator is powered by one of the other three elements. He used his psychic move and put a needle on a vinyl disc that was on the player and music filled the room. he carefully de-seeded the berries and put them into dirt holes he made the other day with the move iron tail. he ate the rest of the berries and then the fish. He had lived in the lab for as long as he could remember and he wasn't gonna leave no matter who or what came.
Posts : 4011
Location : In paradise

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 5:45 pm

Mirage had suddenly swung around, snarling viciously as yet another unknown being randomly dropped in and started preaching about peace and asked what the fight was about. She grunted disconsolately. High time someone stopped them. If necessary, she would have stepped in herself, but she didn't normally meddle in matters which didn't concern her. Others may call it self centered, she called it self preservation. She dug her claws into the soil.
Posts : 2099
Location : In the desert looking for a pony *a zebra*

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 7:44 pm

"Shut it and get off of me already" he said to Rune, he wanted to leave already, to many people are around, over some little failure to get food, his plan would've worked if only the one pinning him down hadn't attacked him earlier
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Posts : 686
Location : between no and where

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 7:52 pm

Runes ears. "perked you guys hear that?" he said getting off of Shade. "the sound of muisc if I'm not mistaken." he whispered to himself.

Fantasiam placed a bundle of twigs and dried leaves into a metal dome used ember to set them on fire and curled up into a little ball enjoying the warmth.
Posts : 2099
Location : In the desert looking for a pony *a zebra*

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 7:56 pm

Shade floated up off the ground "I don't care about the music, all I want now is to leave" he said as he starts floating away, not caring about such a little detail, all he wanted was to leave that area, it was to crowded for his liking
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Posts : 686
Location : between no and where

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Jul 21, 2014 8:02 pm

Rune followed the sound it followed the same route as fanatisams scent he wandered how long it would take for the rest to notice the berry carrier scent. He came across the little opened hatch of the hidden lab and went in. He started to sniff around the scent was mangled with scents of others but much to stale.

Fantasaim fell asleep and was snoring softly by the fire.
Posts : 621

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zTue Jul 22, 2014 1:04 am

The prophet watched as Shade floated away. "It would appear the instigator has realized his fault and fled." He then turned to the others. "I apologize if my appearance has caused trouble for any of you." The prophet then saw the smaller creature come towards him. Kneeling down the robed figure held out his hand. "Hello bolt, my, you are very brave for one so young to be out here." The Prophet felt an incredible power from the small creature, though he couldn't identify it's source yet.
Posts : 213

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zTue Jul 22, 2014 3:52 am

Bolt stared up at him with large black eyes. The Pikachu/Mew looked out his hand out towards him, and the mouse-like Pokemon gripped it with his small paw.

"Hello," he greeted, still looking up at him. "Y-you think I'm brave? Really?"
Posts : 4011
Location : In paradise

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zTue Jul 22, 2014 5:38 pm

Mirage settled down, sitting and curling her many tails neatly over her paws. Even if she willed her paws to head away from there, she doubted if her own appendages would obey. So clearly, if she was getting nowhere, she might as well make herself comfortable. Bolt seemed to be making himself familiar with the strange hovering thing. Claydol? She'd heard those things were extremely wise and knowledgeable. She licked a paw and dragged it over her ear.
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Akuma Taigākabu toreburu
Posts : 686
Location : between no and where

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zTue Jul 22, 2014 11:27 pm

Rune walked out of the lab after a throughout search. "well he's not here." he said.

Fantasiam woke up as he heard the hatch close to his lab.
Fox Demon Avaritia
Fox Demon Avaritia
Posts : 3342
Location : On her train, her hype train o3o

After the End [Actual] - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Aug 03, 2014 3:34 am

Tantum watched Bolt's exchange with the Prophet in silence. He's a fool, to be so trusting. Her red eyes flicked away, not willing to hold the curious gaze for long. Instead, she extended her wings and stood taller on her feet. Hanging around here won't do me much good. Too much commotion could draw unwanted attention. And others... she bit her lip, I gave up on friendship long ago. Flapping her wings a few times to stretch them and whip up a small cloud of dust, the Umbreon hybrid jumped into the air, carried higher into an ascent thanks to her large wings and hollow bones. She had no destination in mind, but was making her way away from the group. She did best on her own, anyway. At least in her own mind.


Avaritia was still within the area, but Cladis's own rising tensions were building in her chest involuntarily. The Absol's eyes flickered toward his trainer, and she reluctantly took a step back. "You're too paranoid," she teased, turning from her spot, "but we have a camp to set up anyway." She smiled toward where all of the strange people and Pokemon seemed to have found one another. Some seemed kind, others hostile. As much as she wished to have gotten to know all of them, survival was still first. "Let's go find somewhere to camp for the night."

The two beat a hasty retreat, disappearing from the clearing. After a bit of walking, they found themselves face to face with some sort of building. It seemed abandoned and taken over by the fleeting wildlife. But shelter was shelter, no matter how much it was crumbling. "Odd," Avaritia mentioned to Cladis, who was now calmer than he had been, much to her relief, "it looks like some sort of lab."
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PostSubject: Re: After the End [Actual]   After the End [Actual] - Page 2 H6Q0F8z

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