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 Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)

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Posts : 3831
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Nov 05, 2012 9:33 pm

Ronan dived out of the way as did Volt the two of them thereby avoiding the attack. Volt then launched a third Thundershock attack straight at Haunter aiming to finish her this move hopefully.
Metagross meanwhile was hurt majorly by the raking teeth and then further by the Thundershock falling to the ground further unable to use any more attacks it wait for it's demise. The burn inflicted some more damage to it causing it to be one hit from being defeated much alike Salamence.
Posts : 343
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Nov 05, 2012 10:19 pm

Haunter took the attack and plumitted to the ground below. Slowly she sunk into the earth, unable to battle and needed to lick her wounds. They had won, for now.
Rin quickly ran over and did a closer rnage Thundershock, knowing that Metagross would be down and out very soon.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zTue Nov 06, 2012 11:18 pm

Ronan was happy once more turning to Jade just as Metagross was shocked into submission fainting upon impact of the Thundershock. Ronan then called over
"I'm ready when you are ok?"
Waiting for a reply so if she was gonna train more so was he, so not to fall behind.
(Cedric gained 40 exp thereby gaining 2 levels to become level 23 and learning the move Take Down. Rin gained 40 exp thereby gaining 3 levels to become level 19)
Posts : 343
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zWed Nov 07, 2012 2:39 am

As Metagross fell Rin bleeted happily as she jumped up and down. Jade turned to Ronan and shook her head.
"I wanna get Rin and Jasmine trained more, they need some serious catching up."
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zWed Nov 07, 2012 5:44 pm

Ronan nodded
"Ok then let's get a bit more training in before the gym. Ripple your back up"
Ripple stepping forwards adjusting his sunglasses and awaiting an opponent. This was when a pair of Ace Trainers came up to them and said
"Hey wanna battle"
rather abruptly, Ronan however was fine with the idea and expressed that with a simple
awaiting Jade's thoughts on the offer.
Posts : 343
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zThu Nov 08, 2012 3:03 am

Two ace trainers then approached them, and Jade smiled as they offered to battle. With a firm nod she looked to Rin, who stood at the ready.
"I hope you're ready Rin!"
The Flaffy bleeted and nodded firmly, she was ready.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zThu Nov 08, 2012 6:30 pm

Ronan awaited the other Ace Trainer to call out his pokemon saying
"Ready when you are, eh Ripple?"
Ripple stepping forwards and fist pumping, he then grinned, tapped his sunglasses four times and assumed a battle position.
(Level 80-82 please this time Bestie :D)
The Female Ace Trainer approached Jade saying
"You'll Be My Opponent Then, So Go Delcatty!"
Taking a pokeball from her belt and throwing it high into the air the Prim Pokemon appearing in a beam of white light ready for the battle. Delcatty (Female - lvl 80) then approached Rin it's back arched awaiting it's trainer to call
"Now Double-Slap!"
Delcatty launching forwards immediately it's claws outstretched attempting to hit Rin with them.
Posts : 343
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zFri Nov 09, 2012 2:12 am

As Delcatty ran toward Rin, the male Ace Trainer sent out a Noctowl (Male, lvl 81).
"Now Noctowl use Shadow Ball!"
Noctowl shot a ball of blackened energy toward Ripple. Meanwhile, Rin stood ready waiting for Delcatty to move closer.
"Rin use Thundershock!!"
Rin shot a wave of blue electricity toward the prim cat like pokemon.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zFri Nov 09, 2012 6:46 pm

Ronan watched as Noctowl launched the attack responding by saying
"Now Ripple Water Gun!"
Ripple launching the gusher of water at the Shadow Ball in an attempt to rebound the attack back at Noctowl, along with the added power of the water gun.
Delcatty was just about to get in her first scratch when the Thundershock struck her sending her reeling back slightly dazed and luckily, Paralyzed. Delcatty then tried to use another move but was unable to, being held where she was by the Paralysis. The Ace Trainer was not happy seeing this.
Posts : 343
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSat Nov 10, 2012 12:07 am

The Shadow Ball was struck by the Water Gun, sending it back toward Noctowl. It slammed into him and he screeched.
"Keep it together Noctowl! Aerial Ace!"
With a flap of it's wings Noctowl straightened out, then plunged toward the ground. At the last second, he upturned and spread his wings, catching the air current and barreling toward Ripple.
"Now use Tackle!"
Rin raced toward the frozen Delcatty, hoping to slam into her and send her flying back. Rin brought her head down, making her body more stream lined to pick up speed, and power at the same time.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSat Nov 10, 2012 7:18 pm

Ronan watched the attack strike Noctowl and luckily enough it gave him just enough time to prepare an escape, watching and calling across
"Now Water Gun, At the Ground"
Ripple using the Water Gun with high pressure firing it at the ground thereby launching him into the air and out of harm's way, Then landing on the ground afterwards aiming carefully at Noctowl and lunging at him with an Ice Fang.
Delcatty watched it's eyes widening with fear as Rin barreled her way towards her trying to move away but failing being struck back and sent into a nearby tree. Delcatty then collapsed, however just as the Ace Trainer was about to return her and concede defeat she rose again weakly struggling and trying to use another Double-Slap it's claws growing and glowing a bright white again as it attempted to slash Rin with them.
Posts : 343
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Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Nov 11, 2012 12:14 am

Shocked as Ripple dodged so cleverly, Noctowl had to flap his wings to come to a screeching halt. He turned just in time to watch Ripple come at him with Ice fang. Trying to flap his wings again, Ripple's icey teeth clenched around his left foot. The super effective move hurt Noctowl greatly and he flapped his wings furiously to try and get away.
Rin bleeted as Delcatty began to slap her across the face repeatedly.
"Rin stay focused! Use Thundershock at close range!"
Rin growled low in her throat and when Delcatty went for another strike, Rin clenched her moving paw and sent a violent blue shock to her.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Nov 11, 2012 11:47 am

Ronan however knew not to let up on a chance like this so easily calling across
"Now let's keep going with more pressure, Ice Fang"
Ripple clenching down harder on Noctowl's foot in an attempt to take him down and hopefully finish him with the ground collision.
Delcatty screeched in pain before falling to the ground unable to continue. The Ace Trainer was not happy returning Delcatty to her pokeball and shouting
"This isn't over we'll train to be stronger and when that happens I'll be back"
Jade having gained a new rival on her journey, the Ace Trainer running to her friend the other Ace Trainer and waiting for his battle to end too. Volt meanwhile was looking across at Rin and nodded smiling in approval before returning his gaze to Ronan and Ripple's battle.
(Rin gained 80 exp thereby gaining 4 levels to become level 23 and learning the move Take Down)
Posts : 343
Location : The spotlight

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Nov 11, 2012 4:23 pm

Noctowl hooted and flapped his wings in one last attepmt to fly away. But he was flipped over and smacked into the earth with another super effective Ice Fang. As the dusty air cleared, Noctowl was unable to battle. The male ace trainer scoffed angrily and returned his pokemon, turning to his female partner.
"This isn't over! We will find you two again and we will be stronger!"
With that, he left along with his friend, kicking up clouds of dust in his angry wake. Rin smiled as Jade patted her fluffy head, and turned her head just in time to see Volt's approving nod. She blushed darkly and giggled.
"Alright you that's enough training, it's Jasmine's turn now."
Jade returned Rin and brought out her Shroomish, hoping to train her a bit more before the gym as well. She hoped Jasmine would evolve soon and that would make the battle with the normal type user Whitney a piece of cake.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Nov 11, 2012 6:09 pm

Ronan was happy with Ripple and stated this saying
"Good Job Man put it here"
Ripple high-fiving him and readjusting his sunglasses back to their original and comfortable position. Ronan then turned to Jade and said
"You done well too, nice work"
with that he turned to continue on along the pathway behind the houses, noticing a ___________ standing there with that he began advancing on it, however just as he was about to call for an attack a Mamoswine (Male - lvl 81) appeared knocking Ronan aside with this Ronan clambered back up calling across to Jade
"Here you can take this one"
and moving once more towards the _________ Calling out quickly
"Now Pyro Flame Wheel"
Pyro immediately launching himself high into the air and spinning himself into flames diving down and spinning his way towards __________ with speed building power each second, hoping to use the element of surprise against the ____________.
(Please give me a tougher pokemon this time cause i've been giving you Metagross' and Salamence's so please something that looks a bit tougher at least. Also level 82-84 this time plz bestie)
Posts : 343
Location : The spotlight

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zSun Nov 11, 2012 11:42 pm

While Jade occupied herself with the Mamoswine, a Salamence (Male, lvl 84) reared back his head and shot a Dragonbreath to counter the Flame Wheel. He then dove toward Pyro, his body being enveloped in a purple and yellow streamed light. Rushing toward Pyro was the mighty move: Giga Impact. Jade was busy with her own opponent, Mamoswine would be tricky being half ice type. She and Jasmine would have to be on their toes.
"Jasmine use Headbutt!"
The tiny shroomish raced toward Mamoswine and leapt toward him, head bared down and aimed right for his head.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Nov 12, 2012 8:55 pm

Pyro however easily dodged the Giga Impact attack with one swift move. He then used a leer attack three times to lower Salamence's defense from three different angles moving in between before eventually launching himself at it with a Bite attack bearing his teeth as he advanced on him before attempting to clamp down on it's wing with ease to cause major damage to Salamence.
Mamoswine meanwhile was struck back by the Headbutt reeling a bit from the attack, before launching one of his own angrily. The Blizzard beginning to move towards Jasmine in one large wave, Mamoswine hoping to freeze her with this.
Posts : 343
Location : The spotlight

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zTue Nov 13, 2012 12:58 am

Salamence whirrled around each time, trying to shoot a Dragonbreath each time Pyr used leer. As he was distracted trying to find him next, he screeched as he felt Pyro bite down on his wing. Falpping them he took to the skies and flipped violently to fling Pyro off.
Jasmine cried loudly as the super effective Blizzard pushed her back. But with the rest of her strength she stood and used Mega Drain to regain strength.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zWed Nov 14, 2012 8:56 pm

Ronan smiled calling up to Pyro
"Now uses the flips to use Flame Wheel Go"
Pyro releasing his grip and barking
"Growl.. ithe!"
Spinning himself into flames and sending himself at Salamence in mid-air in an attempt to knock Salamence out of the sky and perhaps finish it thanks to the earlier leer attacks.
Mamoswine was confused looking around as his energy began to get sapped from him, Jasmine regaining her health at this point, Mamoswine becoming incredibly weak from this, being only a one or two hits perhaps from being beaten.
Posts : 343
Location : The spotlight

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zWed Nov 14, 2012 10:21 pm

Salamence was shocked at how well the small fire type recovered. The Flame Wheel hit, and doing more damage thanks to Leer. Salamence fell from the sky, the ground shaking rather strongly after that. The dust cleared and Salamence forced himself back up, looking tired. It wouldn't be long, and he knew that. Putting all of his energy into this attack, he shot a Hyper Beam toward Pyro.
Jasmine shook and jumped high, feeling better after having gotten some of her energy back.
"Now use Headbutt again!!"
Jasmine leapt towaard Mamoswine, once again bearing down her head. She was getting the hang of this, and so was Jade.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zThu Nov 15, 2012 6:56 pm

Ronan was pleased with this result as Salamence crashed into the ground. Using the dust as cover though Pyro disappeared the Hyper Beam thereby flying into the air without striking anything, Within seconds though Pyro appeared again knowing Salamence had to recharge following the attack, Ronan called out
"Now Take Down Pyro"
Pyro dashing forwards with speed his head tucked in as he lunged at Salamence attempting to take it down with this move.
Mamoswine attempted to dodge but due to his large lumbering size he wasn't fast enough being hit by the move and falling to the floor, at first Mamoswine was gonna get up and continue but the Jasmine's effect kicked in `Effect Spore` causing Mamoswine to suddenly become Poisoned by the attack suddenly getting incredibly weak once more before fainting there and then on the spot.
(Jasmine gained 81 exp thereby gaining 4 levels to become level 25 and learning the move Poison Powder)
Jasmine then began to glow as she started to evolve her legs growing longer, arms sprouting out from her sides, a tail extending from her back and finally, her head changed shape, gaining a hat and collar. Jasmine had evolved and was now a Breloom, Jade and Jasmine's training having payed off.
Posts : 343
Location : The spotlight

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zFri Nov 16, 2012 2:58 am

Salamence panted, he was tired and this was the end. He couldn't see where that sneaky Growlithe had gone, until it was too late. Pyro slammed into his side and her toppled over like a falling building. Salamnece's jaw twitched slightly as he fainted, as if in shock that he lost to a simple Growlithe.
Jade jumped up and down screaming happily before running over to her new Breloom. Throwing her arms around Jasmine she prised how well she had done in such a big battle and how proud she was for how strong she'd become now. Returning Jasmine, she brought out Abel again.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zMon Nov 19, 2012 11:59 pm

Ronan was pleased by this Pyro bounding and yapping to his side
"Growlithe... Lithe... Lithe"
Was what Pyro barked excitedly Ronan ruffling the tuft of fur on his head and smiling before looking for another pokemon to battle moving along the outskirts further with Jade and Co. in tow. Eventually resting his eyes upon a rather boisterous pair of pokemon saying
"Draco your up"
Draco slithering forwards quietly saying
"Dratini... Drat... Tini"
Ronan then nodding and saying
"Ok then Draco let's kick this off with a twister"
Draco immediately launching the large rushing of air at ___________ in the form of a twister. It's counterpart Poliwrath (Male - lvl 82) still standing nearby looking to Abel in anticipation of it's move.
(Level 85-88 this time plz bestie :D)
Posts : 343
Location : The spotlight

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zWed Nov 21, 2012 3:48 pm

As Jade and company followed behind Ronan, they searched the grass for more pokemon to fight against. Abel tugged at his bandana around his arm, he was eager for another fight. Jade felt it hard to believe that this was her tiny Totodile she'd only meet a few weeks ago. At last a pair of tough looking pokemon came into veiw. A Poliwrath would be Jade's opponent, while a Gliscor (Female, lvl 88) would be Ronan's. Gliscor spun round and round as the Twister hit her, but she quickly bounced back and sprung toward Draco, a Thunder Fang priming as sparks jumped from her mouth. Meanwhile, Abel smirked at the Poliwrath, urging him to come at him.
"Okay Abel, let's start with Bite!"
Jade knew that water type moves wouldn't be very effective, they would have to stay with other typed moves. Abel rushed forward to Poliwrath, jaws open wide aiming for his opponents right arm.
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8zThu Nov 22, 2012 4:10 pm

Ronan smiled seeing the move had hit but knew he'd have to react quickly as a new move was coming towards them calling out
"Now Draco dodge it!"
Draco attempting to but getting caught in the jaws of Gliscor, fortunately though it wasn't too bad because Draco was resistant to Electric type moves this thereby leaving Gliscor in a prime position for an attack Draco turning his head as Ronan called out
"Dragon Rage now full power Draco"
Draco firing off the Dragon shaped blue and black energy at Gliscor full power from close-range for maximum damage.
Poliwrath looked to Abel as it clamped down on it with Bite the move being slightly weaker due to Poliwrath being resistant to Dark type moves but being made average by the superior jaw strength of Abel. Poliwrath stumbled back, Abel still attached to his arm before using a Dynamic Punch drawing back his arm as it begins to glow a bright white, attempting to slam his fist into Abel with it.
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PostSubject: Re: Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice)   Second badge here we come! (Mark and Alice) - Page 2 H6Q0F8z

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