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 Myra Silver

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Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli
Posts : 3848

Myra Silver Empty
PostSubject: Myra Silver   Myra Silver H6Q0F8zWed Jul 14, 2010 1:46 am

Name: Myra Silver
Age: 11
Rank: Co-ordinater
Battle Style: In it to show off!
Looks: Myra Silver Gsctra10
Personality: Myra is all about cute pokemon. She cares deeply for her pokemon, and grew up in a pokemon enviroment with her grandparents. She has a strong attraction to contests, and even treats a battle the same as a contest. She has a different attidue than her Ccousins Ethan, Paul and Terrie, not rushing, fining or caring about winning. Myra cares about pokemon.
History: Myra Silver was born in Verdanturf Town. Her grandparents weren't too far away, and she would often visit them. She played with the pokemon and exchanged mail with her cousin Ethan, and other grandparents in Johto. Her cousin Paul took her to her first contest, and she instantly decided to go with that. Her grandparents breed and gave her a Cyndaquil and Eevee.

Pokemon: Cyndaquil
Nickname: -
Gender: Male
Level: 12
Moves: Tackle, Leer, Extrasensory, Flare Blitz, Smokescreen, Ember.
Personality: Timid

Pokemon: Eevee
Nickname: -
Gender: Female
Level: 10
Moves: Tackle, Tail Whip, Helping Hand, Yawn, Wish, Sand attack.
Personality: Naive

Note; Extrasensory, Flare Blitz, Yawn, and Wish have an explanation.
Posts : 8407

Myra Silver Empty
PostSubject: Re: Myra Silver   Myra Silver H6Q0F8zWed Jul 14, 2010 2:08 am

Myra Silver
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