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 Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana

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PostSubject: Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana   Battle!  Level 50s, full team single battle!  Xero vs Hana H6Q0F8zMon Jun 30, 2014 8:16 pm

Xero looked up, knowing the elevator was taking him to face his first opponent in the Battle Arena. As the elevator for the red side opened, the lights of both the sun and the stadium were almost blinding as he stepped out. He looked around at the audience watching and wondered just how good or bad this battle could and would go. There must have been at least ten thousand people watching this battle in the audience, and yet he didn't lose his cool. Now he just had to wait for the blue elevator to bring up his opponent.
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PostSubject: Re: Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana   Battle!  Level 50s, full team single battle!  Xero vs Hana H6Q0F8zMon Jun 30, 2014 9:33 pm

Xero smiled back. "It'll be more than a good fight. But I have no plans of going home with a loss here today." Xero grabbed a Pokéball from his belt and threw it into the air. Releasing a white light, which shot to the surface and took the shape of a Pokémon. "Let's go, A!"

The Monferno took its shape as the white light disappeared around it. It prepared itself for whatever was to come.

Xero stared at his opponent. 'I'm wondering if this was a good call to use Monferno...'
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PostSubject: Re: Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana   Battle!  Level 50s, full team single battle!  Xero vs Hana H6Q0F8zTue Jul 01, 2014 10:32 pm

Xero wondered how long Monferno could hold out against a water type Pokémon. "No time to wonder that, let's do this, A! Hit it with Flame Wheel!"

A looked at its opponent and rolled into a wheel shape, quickly becoming surrounded with fire. It spun itself and began rolling quickly forward at the Slowking, attempting to land a hit.
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Location : Ponyville

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PostSubject: Re: Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana   Battle!  Level 50s, full team single battle!  Xero vs Hana H6Q0F8zThu Jul 03, 2014 2:50 am

As Hana called to her Pokémon the first time, A stopped and attempted to jump into the air, only to be half a second too late.

At that very moment Slowking's foot hit the ground, Xero managed a timed jump even his Pokémon couldn't make. "Earthquake, huh? I won't lose my balance or my focus."

Upon the second move, A and Xero both remained still, waiting for the right time to strike.
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Posts : 2152
Location : Ponyville

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PostSubject: Re: Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana   Battle!  Level 50s, full team single battle!  Xero vs Hana H6Q0F8zThu Jul 03, 2014 4:24 am

Xero watched closely and waited until the very last second. "That's it! I've got it! Alright, A, use Flame Wheel, and don't move!"

"Mon." A rolled into another Flame Wheel, but this time was unable to move as the Psychic began to take effect.

"Do NOT give up! No matter how hard the resistance is, keep spinning!!!"

A was prepared for high amounts of resistance, spinning as hard as he could. "Ferno!!!"
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PostSubject: Re: Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana   Battle!  Level 50s, full team single battle!  Xero vs Hana H6Q0F8z

Battle! Level 50s, full team single battle! Xero vs Hana
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