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 Vasco Delito

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PostSubject: Vasco Delito   Vasco Delito H6Q0F8zSun Sep 15, 2013 8:31 am

Name: Vasco Delito
Nickname: Vassie (Given by Soaria)
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Rank: Trainer
Birthplace: Johto; Goldenrod City
Battle Style: Vasco isn't that much of a strategist, he prefers to bust through opponents with powerful pokemon. He doesn't mind too much what type his pokemon are, but he likes to have a balance between his types so he can cover his weaknesses. As far as the pokemon's stats, he prefers fast, hard-hitting pokemon that can do massive amounts of damage. Even when losing, Vasco won't back down from an opponent, he'll try his hardest, and only give up once he's at his very limit.


(Also has black square glasses)

Personality: Vasco is, in a few words, a cocky little bastard, he'll piss you off to no end just for the fun of it. He also has an extremely competitive attitude, mostly coming from his mother's side of the family, where competitiveness if everything to a movie star. Having spent extra years on studying in trainer school, Vasco is very knowledgeable on pokemon, and he strives to know more. While he may seem like a jerk on the outside, on the inside, he's actually pretty sweet once you get to know him.

History: Vasco was born into a rich family, who spoiled him completely. His father was the owner of the Radio Tower, and his mother was an actress for Pokestar Studios. His mother was always overseas and could almost never come home to her family, but his father did his best to always come back home to spend time with Vasco. Growing up, Vasco watched pokemon tournaments and decided that he wanted to become the greatest trainer in the world, and travel to many different places with his pokemon

When he became ten, he was given a scyther as his first pokemon, bred by some of the best pokemon breeders, and it was loyal to him through and through. It was then that he was enrolled into trainer school, but he quickly finished his studies in only a couple of years. Rushing ahead of his skill level, he attempted to challenge the Goldenrod Gym, but was utterly defeated. Ever since that day he learned never to overestimate his abilities. He fell out of battling and training for a short while to continue his studies, which took him another year to finish.

When his studies were completely finished, he was fourteen and he was ready to go back into pokemon training, with his partner, scyther, he set out to find new pokemon. He bought the best fishing pole money could buy, and set off to the first body of water he could find to fish a water type to balance out his fire-type weakness. Vowing to train the first thing he caught, the line twitched, and he yanked on the rod.

...and it was a Magikarp.

All of that perseverance, all the money he put into this catch...and it was a USELESS Magikarp. Vasco did promise to train the pokemon, though, and he kept his promise. It was extremely slow-going, and no amount of money would help him in that situation, as the Magikarp could not learn any TMs. So, with the help of his Scyther partner, they began to train once more, but no matter what they tried, the Magikarp wasn't becoming useful at all.

When Vasco was 16, he felt like he needed to branch out to gain more experience and travel like he always wanted. Around this time, he started to learn the secrets of pokemon, and his Scyther was given a metal coat, evolving it into the all-powerful Scizor! His Magikarp, however, was still as useless as ever, and he was given the nickname "Inutil" for that reason. It wasn't until Vasco told Inutil about his dream to one day cross the sea that he felt a desire to help Vasco accomplish his dreams, and evolved into the great Gyarados he is today.

Vasco, his team ready and his mind filled with the pokemon knowledge, set out to defeat the Johto League, and then, the world.

Items: 5 Poke Balls
Money: $6,200


Vasco Delito 212
Pokémon: Scizor
Nickname: Suraisu
Gender: Male
Level: 30
Moves: Bullet Punch, Quick Attack, Leer, Focus Energy, Pursuit, False Swipe, Agility, Metal Claw, Fury Cutter, Slash, Double Team(TM), Night Slash(EM)
Ability: Technician
Personality: Loyal and Professional
Exp: 0

Vasco Delito 130
Pokémon: Gyarados
Nickname: Inutil
Gender: Male
Level: 25
Moves: Splash, Tackle, Thrash, Bite, Dragon Rage, Leer, Twister, Giga Impact(TM), (No Egg Moves)
Ability: Intimidate
Personality: Shy, Ferocious when angered, Loyal
Exp: 0

Last edited by Protoman.EXE on Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:46 am; edited 2 times in total
Posts : 3831
Location : Definitely not in the cupboard... what i said not in the cupboard go away!

Vasco Delito Empty
PostSubject: Re: Vasco Delito   Vasco Delito H6Q0F8zThu Sep 19, 2013 10:04 pm

Approved! Good luck with the guy
Vasco Delito
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