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 Oblivium (My New Character)

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PostSubject: Oblivium (My New Character)   Oblivium (My New Character) H6Q0F8zSun Sep 08, 2013 1:58 am

Name: Oblivium Astorath
Nickname: -
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Rank: Trainer and Coordinator
Birthplace: Hoenn, Petalburg City
Battle Style:

She uses lots of logic in her attacks and tends to go with Scientific predictions. She alway calculates exactly what probably will happen before making any movements.

She likes to try and miss attacks more than performing attacks, in an attempt to wear the foe's Pokemon out.

She always plans out way ahead of herself before making a move.


Oblivium (My New Character) Yuine_Kujou


Oblivium was always very intelligent and uses physics to her advantage in any way possible. She is very silent and doesn't speak much, as she feels you should only need to speak if it's important. She never trusts anyone at first and is the opposite of naive. Sometimes she can be a bit cold to strangers due to her lack of trust but never looses her temper as she is very calm.


Oblivium had a fairly good childhood. She was quite popular at school but that was probably more because of her looks than personality, but she was happy as long as she had loyal friends.

One day when she was a child she was playing flashlight tag in the neighbourhood with her friends, which is when to tag people you must shine a flashlight on them. She had the light and was looking for her last friend. She went into the woods to look. She wandered in to look. She was probably in there for about half an hour but she couldn't tell, but what she did know was that she was lost. She could see something moving in the dark. She called out her friend's name but her friend never answered. The thing stopped moving, whatever it was. At least for a few seconds. Suddenly she felt a strong burning sensation. The fell to the ground and struggled but could do nothing. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness, just for a second, right before she blacked out, she saw something. It was a Dusknoir, using Will-o-Wisp. After that though everything was blackness, but she remembered Dusknoir crying out in pain at one point, but that's it.

She woke up in darkness. At first she thought she was dead. Her heart began to beat, was she really in limbo? Then again if she was she  wouldn't be able to think, it would just be darkness. So if she's not in limbo, is this Heaven?... Or worse; Hell? A small peach colored light flooded into the darkness as sunrise began, revealing a small cave, or a dugout. It had a small hole in the wall carved into a basket shape, like some sort of place to store something, but it was empty. She shifted her glance slightly and nearly fell over. There was a Beldum floating right in her face looking at her. At first she backed away thinking it was the one that attacked her, but then she rememered a burning feeling, and Beldum can only use Take Down. She had seen a Beldum on contests on the television before but since it only knew one attack it didn't do very well. But Metang, and of course Metagross, were actually very good at contests. She began piecing her memories together, and she thought that maybe Beldum saved her. It must have, how else would she end up in it's cave when she should be lying dead in a forest?

Beldum went out of the cave for a few minutes. Oblivium sat on the cave floor, feeling a little lonely with no human company, after all you can't talk to Pokemon, but at least you can share your feelings with them. She felt a little uncomfortable sitting on the floor, but there wasn't even a rock to sit on. Just an empty cave with nothing but a basket carved into the wall. The cave was quite bright during the day but of course at night it was pitch black. Outside were thick woods but she could see clearing not too far away, and there was a lake nearby too. The cave was situated at the foot of a large rock hill. She awaited Beldum to return. At one point she thought it wasn't coming, that it just saved her and left her in the cave. But she saw the little blue head in the distance, but it was joined with other Pokemon.

When it arrived with the others they began to work. Sandslash dug out some more baskets, and Machamp placed some boulders around the cave. Sandlash carved them into furniture; a table, a chair, a bed, a mat (for Beldum I'm guessing), a worktop (for cooking etc.), some tools to make food and even a candlestick on witch a makeshift candle was placed. Wurmple then covered everything in silk to make it comfortable, and my bed got a very, very thick layer of silk on it. Vaporeon Filled two of the now very large baskets carved into the wall with water, and shuckle added berries to one of them, the water to keep them fresh.

She thanked Beldum's friends as they left. She didn't know what to expect in the woods, she didn't know when she would get out. IF she will get out. But she didn't care. She could live here, for a while. She sat on the chair. She felt a little bored, after all she was 12. She glanced at Beldum. She asked if there was anywhere fun to go in the woods. Beldum looked at her with a blank expression. At first she thought it couldn't understand, but then it flew out of the cave. It moved slowly so that Oblivium could catch up with it. She followed along.

He led her to a big rock. "Wow, looks like a blast. I always wanted a rock," she said sarcastically. She laughed but it glanced at her and didn't stop flying. It led her behind the rock. She gasped, it was a beautiul hot springs bath. She appologized for saying that. They both sat in the warm water together. She couldn't help laughing because beldum just looked like a floating rock as you only saw his head floating in the water. It began to get dark. She told it that they should return to the cave. The two walked back, well, Beldum floated. But then it happened. The sun set and it was pretty dark, but they could see the cave. But then it happened.

The Dusknoir jumped out. It fired a Shadow Ball but Beldum used take down bursting the Shadow Ball. It tried to use Take Down but Dusknoir is a Ghost type. the more it failed the more angry Beldum got. He unleashed all his power in a Take Down but Dusknoir used Shadow Punch, knocking him back onto the ground. In an instant he launched Shadow Ball at Oblivium. She screamed, but Beldum jumped in the way and took it face on. It fell into a bush. I thought Beldum had been knocked out. Dusknoir prepared a final Shadow Ball, but then, out of the bush, Beldum - no - Metang rushed out and useds Metal Claw, ripping the Shadow Ball up. It continued to attack, it's power was trememdous, it must have really liked her because it never stopped attacking. Eventually Dusknoir fainted. and they went to the cave.

The next morning Oblivium woke up on a makeshift bed at the edge of the woods, near her house. She was so happy that she was home. Metang had carried her in her sleep and made her a bed. It followed her to her house, and inside her home. Metang kept following her everywhere, and when she came to a sudden stop it bumped into her back which she found adorable. She decided she would start training him. Everyday for quite a few hours she would train him in the forest. He eventually evolved and became what he is today. She decided she wanted to be a coordinator and a trainer, because she knew Metagross were good in contests and battles. The whole ordeal in the forest left her fine but it made Mecha feel very overprotective of her.

Items: 4 Poke Balls
Money: $6,200


Pokémon: Metagross
Nickname: Mecha
Gender: -
Level: 62
Magnet Rise
Take Down
Metal Claw
Miracle Eye
Zen Headbutt
Bullet Punch
Scary Face
Meteor Mash
Hammer Arm
Iron Defence
Hyper Beam
Flash Cannon (TM Gen V)
Ability: Clear Body
Personality: Very obedient and has a lot of respect for Oblivium, but is also very over-protective of her.
Exp: 54

Pokémon: Milotic
Nickname: Arya
Gender: Female
Level: 60
Water Gun
Water Sport
Water Pulse
Aqua Tail
Rain Dance
Hydro Pump
Aqua Ring
Mirror Coat(EM)
Ability: Cute Charm
Personality: Caring and loving to young pokemon, always the motherly pokemon. Very modest about her beauty, and becomes shy when praised
Exp: 0
Posts : 4328
Location : Sunagakure

Oblivium (My New Character) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oblivium (My New Character)   Oblivium (My New Character) H6Q0F8zSun Sep 08, 2013 6:01 pm

APPROVED without a doubt, It looks super awesome :D
Oblivium (My New Character)
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