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 Youri mountain

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PostSubject: Youri mountain   Youri mountain H6Q0F8zThu Jan 05, 2012 11:20 pm

Name: Youri mountain

Nickname: None

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Rank: New trainer

Birthplace: Johto

Battle Style: Youri loves exploiting the battle area,but qua pokemon he is quite straight forward often not thinking about battle strategy.Even though he does take advantages and disadvantages into account,but can't actually exploit time like other strategy's.


Personality: Youri is a guy who likes being random, the people who don't know him well enough would think that he is inmature and stupid but he actually is serious when needed to, he also likes being funny, he has a good sense of humor although sometimes his jokes are too much, he's really nice and would be kind of awkward to new people he meets, but he's nice in whole.and will be liked by everyone who take the time to meet him properly, he also likes writing, he likes playing games online, and he's a little clumsy.

Since Youri was little He liked Pokémon,often taking about it with his good friend rodrigo.As a result he began studying them on the age of 10,but stopped on the age of 12 out of lack of concentration.After that he discussed the subject with his friend rodrigo much,and decided that when they get their first pokemon,they would travel together and beat gyms.AS of today he has just taken his starter pokemon from the lab and is on the doorstep of adventure.


Items: 5 Poke Balls

Money: $15,000


Youri mountain 158
Pokémon: Totodile
Nickname: None
Gender: Male
Level: 5
lvl 5:Scratch (IM)
lvl 5:Leer (IM)
TM87:swagger (TM)

Ability: Torrent
Personality: Very prideful and aggressive
Exp: 0

Youri mountain Spr_4d_Egg
Steel type pokemon egg
Pokémon: ???
Nickname: ???
Gender: ???
Level: 0
Moves: none
Ability: ???
Personality: ???
Exp: 0

Last edited by yourivdb on Sun Jan 08, 2012 4:20 pm; edited 3 times in total
Posts : 2324

Youri mountain Empty
PostSubject: Re: Youri mountain   Youri mountain H6Q0F8zFri Jan 13, 2012 3:40 pm

Youri mountain
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